
Hey there

About Me

I wanted to keep all our friends and family up to date with or growth, development, and well just share some time with you all.

March 21, 2009

16 Months Old

Hey everyone! I have been keeping very busy lately and learning new things. I can old a spoon and feed myself with it. I am still having troubles putting food on it, but once it is on the spoon, look out! I have also started to say a few words, they are a bit broken up, but dog, shoes, and blocks seem to be getting pretty close. I have a new favorite toy, as you can see in the video below. My Daddy should be coming home soon for Easter, and when he is home we are going to have a lot of fun, dying eggs, playing outside and reading, I can't wait. My next doctor's appointment is 3/30, more shots, bummer. I hope you all have a happy Easter and take care.