
Hey there

About Me

I wanted to keep all our friends and family up to date with or growth, development, and well just share some time with you all.

February 10, 2008

3 Month's Old

Well, today marks another milestone in my brief life. Today I turned 3 months old and I have accomplished so much. Here is just a short list: Survived my first cold (which I am still getting over) sleeping in my own room, and I can hold on to a rattle.

Still working on becoming an expert in Tummy Time, taking baths, and rolling over. I have been very busy looking around at all of the neat stuff in my new world; ceiling fans are quite interesting (who knew?) I love talking to mom, dad, my mobile, and my stuffed toys. I still don't know what to expect from this big furry thing that barks; we just stare at each other.

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